- 30 Years after the Oslo Accords: -

Reflections of the Past, Realities of the Present and a Resilient Vision for the Future

30 Years after the Oslo Accords: Reflections of the Past, Realities of the Present and a Resilient Vision for the Future. Gain insights from diplomats with deep expertise on Oslo and its aftermath, and from Israeli and Palestinian civil society leaders who are shaping the next 30 years, and building the conditions that real peace will ultimately require.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 10:30 AM –  12:00 PM CET (Admission: 10:00 AM) 
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin (Nordische Botschaften), 1 Rauchstraße, Berlin, 10787

If you have any questions, please reach out to Luisa Siemens at luisa@allmep.org. The event will be hosted live and summaries will be shared in the weeks following. No recording or livestream capacities will be available on the day of the event.