Since 1991, the ALLMEP member organization Sikkuy has advocated for equality between Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel. The organization has been a steadily growing presence for nearly three decades, and has enjoyed significant achievements recently. Perhaps the centerpiece of Sikkuy’s work is their Shared Space Department. This wing of the organization has succeeded in procuring the addition of Arabic electronic and static signage for public transportation across Israel. The presence of Arabic language assists in the ease of movement for Arab citizens, translating into greater educational and employment opportunities.
Another educational goal attained by Sikkuy was the permitted usage of Arabic-English dictionaries for Arabic speaking students in the July English matriculation exams. This was the result of a substantial social media campaign launched by Sikkuy, and this decision allows Arab students to enjoy educational equity with their Jewish peers.
Sikkuy’s increased social media presence also enhanced the Ramadan season. With an impressive thirty percent increase in participation from 2016, this year’s Ramadan Tours were a majestic success with more than two thousand people taking part. The Shared Space Department celebrates the connectivity of Jews and Arabs and eschews the voices of division and hatred that too often monopolize the discussion of a shared future.
Sikkuy’s Equality Policy Department also has much to celebrate, participation its own expansion. A series of new hires are a result of the organization’s effort to support Decision 922 from 2015 that equalizes funding within the state budget for Arab citizens. Sikkuy’s research and commitment to the fill implementation of 922 has resulted in changes to housing, city planning, and public transportation, specifically in the introduction of hundreds of bus lines for Arab citizens to be introduced into service over the next four years.
The Public Affairs Department has witnessed tangible success in increasing the number and percentages of Arab media representation. Sikkuy’s Arab Media Representation Project has worked to place public pressure on multiple organizations, who now boast of changes that reflect a more appropriate scope of Arab voices within the media.
Those interested in learning more about Sikkuy can visit their newly updated Facebook page, or can hear Sikkuy’s co-executive directors Rawnak Natour and Ron Gerlitz speak at a series of American dates from November 6 through the 14th in New York, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Boston, and Los Angeles. More information can be found at