June 3, 2024

Call to Action from Over 350 Organizations to the G7

Call to Action from Over 350 Organizations to the G7

June 3, 2024

Dear G7 Heads of Government,

On behalf of over 160 Israeli and Palestinian peacebuilding organizations that make up the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), and others who stand in solidarity with this community, we write to you today to urge you to include language in the upcoming G7 Leaders’ communique highlighting the importance of civil society peacebuilding work as an integral part of any viable process to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

With levels of violence, trauma and destruction that we have never before seen, we are calling on you to address the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in a more comprehensive way than we have seen attempted previously.

As long-time advocates of peace, we see the recent horrific, yet avoidable, escalation of violent conflict as a clear indication of the international community’s failure to adequately support civil society peacebuilding initiatives. Thanks to successive academic studies, we know that such programs – which build meaningful relationships between Israelis and Palestinians and are predicated on a shared commitment to peace, security and equality for both peoples – disrupt and reverse attitudes and beliefs that fuel conflict.

For peace to last it must be built from the ground-up. Yet, every previous round of Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy has lacked a “bottom-up” strategy. To ensure the success of any diplomatic initiative, top-down negotiations among leaders must be matched this time by a peacebuilding process at the societal level between Israelis and Palestinians, even more critical now considering the trauma and polarization from the unprecedented violence of past months.

As such, we – Israeli and Palestinian civil society peacebuilders, and our partners around the world- are recommending that the Apulia Summit break new ground on multilateral support and a new centrality for civil society peacebuilding– a consensus priority not dependent on the more complex issues currently being debated and creating division and delay. Specifically, we recommend that G7 leaders include language in the Leaders’ Communique that commits G7 states and other welcome partners to collaborate on civil society peacebuilding as part of a coordinated and multilateral approach to conflict resolution. Specifically, we recommend the insertion of the language below, which aligns the G7 with the latest messaging within the Quartet, UN, and several G7 member states:

“We affirm our commitment to working together multilaterally– and with other international partners– to closely coordinate and institutionalize our support for civil society peacebuilding efforts. Ensuring that such efforts are part of a larger strategy to build the foundations necessary for a negotiated and lasting Israeli-Palestinian peace.”

There can be no sustainable peace without the critical mass of individuals and groups in Israel and Palestine who can support and sustain a diplomatic agreement. We welcome your reply and commitment to supporting peace and Israeli-Palestinian partnership.


ALLMEP Members Signatories:

50:50 Startups
A Land for All – Two States One Homeland
A New Dawn in the Negev
A New Way
Abraham Initiatives
aChord – Social Psychology for Social Change
Achvat Amim
Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace
Adva Center
Amal Spoken Arabic
Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation – Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development (AJEEC)
Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Artsbridge, Inc.
Associazione culturale Pace in Medio Oriente
Atid Bamidbar (Future in the Desert)
Beit Berl – The Center for the Advancement of Shared Society
Building Together (Build Israel Palestine)
Canada International Scientific Exchange Program
Catchball Friendship League
Churches for Middle East Peace
Circle of Health International
Citizens’ Accord Forum between Jews and Arabs in Israel
Combatants for Peace
COME Foundation
Compassionate Listening Project
Creating Friendships for Peace, Inc.
Dana Global
Desert Stars
Drachim – Hechalutz
Eastern Mediterranean International School
Eco Ocean
Economic Cooperation Foundation
EcoPeace Middle East
Ein Bustan
Ein Dor Museum
ESG Legal Services
Forum for Regional Thinking
Freddie Krivine Foundation
Friends Forever
Givat Haviva Educational Foundation
Global Entrepreneurship Network Israel
Global Minds Institute
GreenLand Society
Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education
Haredim La-Ketesv
Hashomer Hatzair Life Movement
Healing Across the Divides
Heartbeat Jerusalem
Holy Land Trust
House of Hope
Humans Without Borders
Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development
Interfaith Encounter Association
International Center for Conciliation
International Center for Contemporary Education
International Council for Diplomacy and Dialogue (ICDD)
International Peace & Cooperation Center (IPCC) – Jerusalem
Ir Amim
Israelis & Palestinians for Peace
Itach Maaki
Jahalin Solidarity
Jerusalem Center for Women
Jerusalem International YMCA
Jerusalem Peacebuilders
Jerusalem Youth Chorus
Jewish-Arab Community Centre, Akko (Sir Charles Clore Jewish-Arab Community Centre)
Kav Mashve
Leo Baeck Education Center
Looking the Occupation in the Eye
Magical Children of Light Initiative
Malta Conferences Foundation
Middle East Children’s Institute
Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow (MEET)
Middle East Initiatives
Mindfulness in Arabic
Moa – Ehvam – International Spiritual Center for Peace
Music in Common
NATAN Worldwide Disaster Relief
Negotiation Strategies Institute
Neve Shalom – Wahat al Salam
New Story Leadership
One Semitistan
OneVoice Movement
Oranim College of Education
Ossim Shalom – Social Workers for Peace and Welfare
Other Voice
Our Generation Speaks
Oz Veshalom
Palestine Agency for Food and Agriculture
Palestinian Center for Agricultural Research and Development
Palestinian Internship Program
Parents Circle – Families Forum
Pathways Institute for Negotiation Education
Peace Drums Project USA
PeacePlayers International
People of the Book
People2People – Envision Peace
Peres Center for Peace & Innovation – YaLa Young Leaders
Project Rozana
Rabbis for Human Rights
reGeneration Education
Reut Sadaka
Road to Recovery
Rossing Center for Education and Dialogue – Open House Ramle
Science Training Encouraging Peace Graduate Training Program
Search For Common Ground
Seeds of Peace
Shalom Hartman Institute
Siach Shalom – Talking Peace
Sikkuy – Aufoq
Sipur – Hikaya
Special Olympics Israel
Sport for Social Impact
St. Louis French Hospital
Standing Together (Omdim Beyachad)
Studio of Her Own
Sulha Peace Project
Sustainable Israeli Palestinian Projects
Tag Meir
TALI Education Fund at the Schechter Institutes
Talk Matters
Teachers’ Lounge
The Elpis Project
The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Arab Villages in the Negev (RCUV)
This is Not an Ulpan
Tomorrow’s Women
Tomorrow’s Youth Organization
Tsofen – Tashbik
Ultimate Peace
Water Resources Action Project
Women of the Sun
Women Wage Peace
Young Israeli Forum for Cooperation
Yozmot Atid


G7 & International NGO Signatories:

His Holiness Pope Francis – Vatican
Beati i costruttori di pace / Rete italiana Pace e Disarmo – Italy
JCall Italy – Italy
Italian Federation Christian Organisations of international Volunteers – Italy
Shir Hadash Firenze – Italy
Assisipacegiusta (Italian Coalition) – Italy
University of Bergamo – Italy
Mondo Communità e Famiglia – Italy
Oikonomia Dante & Partners – Italy
Canadian Association of Jews and Muslims – Canada
New Israel Fund – Canada
JSpace – Canada
Canada’s Feminist Forum for Afghanistan – Canada
Ameinu Canada – Canada
Canadian Friends of Peace Now – Canada
Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) – Canada
Sisters of Charity – Canada
La Paix Maintenant – France
Guerrières de la Paix – France
Coexistences – France
Kaleidoscope – France
Jeunesse Du Monde en Action – France
JCall France – France
Connecting Actions – France
Coexister – France
CCFD – Terre Solidaire – France
Stiftung Deutsch-Israelisches Zukunftsforum – Germany
Pax Christi Deutschland – Kommission Nahost – Germany
International Peace Bureau (IPB) – Germany
forumZFD – Germany
EAPPI-Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. – Germany
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy – Germany
diAk | Deutschland – Israel – Palästina – zusammen denken e.V. – Germany
Robert Bosch Stiftung – Germany
New Israel Fund (NIF) Deutschland e.V. – Germany
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V. – Germany
Agiamondo e.V. – Germany
Itabashi Peace Museum Campaign – Japan
Association Katawara – Japan
Yachad – UK
Solutions Not Sides – UK
Philip King Charitable Trust – UK
New Israel Fund (UK) – UK
Social Change Initiative – UK (Northern Ireland)
Hands Across the Divide – UK (Northern Ireland)
The Business Plan for Peace – UK
Policy Working Group – UK
Independent Catholic News – UK
Coventry Deanery Justice & Peace Group – UK
Just Women -UK
Pax Christi Scotland – UK (Scotland)
St. Michael & Sacred Heart Parish – UK
Noddfa – UK
Justice and Peace Hemel West – UK
Tobias Wilkinson Studio – UK
Place for Hope – UK
KRW Law – UK
National Education Union Rotherham District – UK
Holy Family of Bordeaux – UK
Under A Roof Ltd – UK
Hexham Kairos – UK
Sanctus ST Marks CIC – UK
Religious of the Assumption – UK
Roman Catholic Diocese Hexham & Newcastle – UK
Addiscombe Justice and Peace Group – UK
National Justice and Peace Network – UK
Neighbours in Poplar – UK
Ware Catholic Church – UK
Pax Christi – UK
St Albans Justice and Peace Group – UK
One World/Livesimply Group- UK
Rethinking Conflict – UK (Northern Ireland)
The Middle East Peace Dialogue Network – USA
The Goodwin Foundation – USA
Peace Catalyst International – USA
International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) – USA
Diane & Norman Bernstein Foundation – USA
The International Center for Religion & Diplomacy – USA
Schocken Foundation – USA
New Israel Fund (United States) – USA
Alliance for Peacebuilding – USA
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) – USA
Pax Christi International – USA
Pax Christi, USA – USA
Pax Christi New York State – USA
Pax Christi Metro New York, Inc. – USA
Pax Christi, Long Island, New York – USA
Pax Christi, New Jersey – USA
Social Psychology Network – USA
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns – USA
Dominican Sisters Conference – USA
Twin Cities Nonviolent – USA
University of Dayton – USA
Sisters of St. Francis – USA
Middleburg Montessori School – USA
Congregations of Saint Joseph – USA
Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth – USA
St. Louis Friends of Bethlehem – USA
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet – USA
World Beyond War – USA
Journal of Social Encounters – USA
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – Justice Team – USA
Sisters of Saint Joseph – USA
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary – USA
Indiana Center for Middle East Peace – USA
Hospital Sisters of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis – USA
Society of the Sacred Heart – USA
Assisi Community – USA
Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland – USA
Illinois for a World Beyond War – USA
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill – USA
Congregation of the Mission – USA
First Presbyterian – USA
Maryknoll Lay Missioners – USA
Nonviolent Owensboro – USA
Islamic Association of Greater Memphis – USA
School Sisters of Notre Dame Central Pacific Province – USA
Dominican Sister of Hope – USA
Catholic Peace Fellowship – USA
Holy Innocents Catholic Church – USA
Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – USA
Dominican Sisters of Houston – USA
Dominican Sisters of Peace – USA
Maryknoll Sisters – USA
Order of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament – USA
O’Sullivan Law Office – USA
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth – USA
Catholics for Peace – USA
St. Augustine of Hippo Catholic Parish; East St. Louis, IL, – USA
St. William Catholic Church – USA
Ursuline Sisters of Louisville – USA
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns – USA
Social Psychology Network – USA
Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité – CIDSE – Belgium
Entraide et Fraternité – Belgium
Pax Christi International Fund for Peace – Belgium
Volonteurope – Belgium
Sisters of St Mary of Namur – Belgium
One World Ministers – Ireland
Kerk in Actie (Protestant Church in the Netherlands) – Netherlands
Club of Catholic Intellectuals – Poland
JCall Barcelona – Spain
B8 of Hope – Switzerland
Open Asia – Armanshahr – Afghanistan
Afghan women news agency organization – Afghanistan
Afghan Women Network International – Afghanistan
Afghan Solidarity Coalition – Afghanistan
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart – Australia
Sister of Charity of Australia – Australia
Riverina Greens – Australia
Reach Out – Cameroon
Corporación Conciudadanía – Colombia
Corporación Ciase – Colombia
Justicia, Derechos Humanos y Género – Costa Rica
Groupe Jeremie – Democratic Republic of the Congo
Women’s center for guidance and legal awareness – Egypt
Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD – Georgia
Centre for Communities Education and Youth Development (CCEYD) – Ghana
Altar Relief Foundation – Ghana
JPIC LAC Congregation du Coeur Immaculé de Marie – Haïti
Blood Patients Protection Council – India
Association for Promotion Sustainable Development (APSD) – India
Indian Women Theologians Forum – India
The Alliance of Indigenous Peoples of the Archipelago – Indonesia
J-Link – International
Amal-Tikva – Israel/Palestine
Action pour le Développement et la Protection de la Famille (ong ADPF) – Ivory Coast
Yakjah – Jammu & Kashmir
Maryknoll Peace Team – Kenya
Kitale Community Advancement Programme (KAP) – Kenya
Women Advocacy Coalition – Myanmar
Gender Equality Network – Myanmar
LiveWell Initiative LWI – Nigeria
Paiman Alumni Trust – Pakistan
United Social Welfare Society – Pakistan
Pakistan Development Allinace – Pakistan
Foundation for Rural Development (FRD) – Pakistan
Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy – Philippines
Nisa Ul Haqq fi Bangsamoro – Philippines
Center for Peace Education, Miriam College – Philippines
Engender – South Africa
Women Relief Aid – South Sudan
Association of War Affected Women – Sri Lanka
Act Now – Sri Lanka
Madaniya organization – Sudan
Mobaderoon – Syria
Sel et Lumière – Togo
Dali and Senda Association for Peace – Tunisia
Arab Women Parliamentarians Network for Equality (Ra’edat) – Tunisia
Hope Revival Organization (HRO) – Turkey
Coalition for Action on 1325 – Uganda
Uganda Peace Foundation – Uganda
Uganda Muslim Medical Bureau – Uganda
Amoru AIDS Support Community Initiative (ASCI) – Uganda
Youth Leadership Development Foundation – Yemen



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