Membership Benefits

ALLMEP’s essential purpose is to raise the profile of its members and increase the pool of resources available to support them by promoting the people-to-people sector to the public, private funders, and governments. ALLMEP also supports the development and impacts of its members through a variety of services. We convene shared spaces, such as regular field-wide calls, to discuss common needs, challenges, and opportunities facing the peacebuilding community.

Membership Benefits

Program Support

Program Support

ALLMEP’s expert staff provide advice and consultations to ALLMEP members on a range of issues and challenges associated with operating a peacebuilding organization, including, but not limited to:

Fundraising Support

ALLMEP’s main resource development efforts are geared toward securing high level support for the peacebuilding field from international governments. To date, our advocacy has secured well over $400 million in investment toward Israeli-Palestinian peace and represents our single biggest contribution toward our members’ work. We do not distribute grants and cannot raise money directly for our members. However, we do provide the following:

Regional and International Advocacy

In addition to our role as the peacebuilding field’s primary convenor, ALLMEP’s local and global networks are some of its most significant assets, which we seek to place at the disposal of our members. We are proud to provide our members with:


Too often, the work of peacebuilders lacks visibility—including opportunities to amplify their work in both traditional and digital media— making it difficult to reach wider audiences. ALLMEP staff work with members to address this challenge through the following ways:

Annual Events

ALLMEP hosts the following annual events to convene members and present their work to wider audiences. Members are encouraged to attend and participate.

Become a Member Organization

ALLMEP is a coalition of non-governmental organizations working to build a genuine and sustainable peace in Israel and Palestine through people-to-people programs that promote mutual respect, cooperation, and understanding. Our essential purpose is to raise the profile of our member organizations and increase resources available to support them, by promoting these activities to the general public, prospective funders and foundations, and government leaders. Learn more about services that we provide for our members here! Read in Arabic.

Statements by ALLMEP members do not necessarily reflect the views of ALLMEP. ALLMEP does not support or oppose any particular candidates or political agendas.

If you are interested in becoming a member organization please email our Director of Membership Relations, Doubi Schwartz, at