Calendar of Events

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The Oz VeShalom movement invites you to Sukkat Shalom of Jewish-Arab partnership

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מתניעות את כוח השלום – نُطلق قوة السلام – Starting the power of peace (WOS & WWP)


Members of Path of Hope & Peace are pleased to invite you to join us in the “Sukkah of Peace” – Challenge

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Sipur-Hikaya invites you to join a guided and interesting journey in East Jerusalem and Khan Al-Akhmar, together with Dr. Yaron Ovadia (Hebrew)

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Postponed – Food Security and the Water-Energy Nexus in the Face of Climate Change at the Arava Institute


Postponed – The annual conference of the Abraham Initiatives for Mixed Cities

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Rabbis for Human Rights briefing on the unfolding human rights disaster in Israel-Palestine

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נעים להכיר – Nice to Meet Nai’m, Road to Recovery Coordinator, at his home in Jayus (Area C)


Come and hear about the project of Jewish-Arab partnership in mixed cities – Standing Together

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Bereaved Israelis and Palestinians invite you to join us for an online vigil (PCFF)


Peacemakers at a Time of War

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Postponed – 2nd Haifa conference for Arab Society and Politics – Haaretz, Haifa U, NIF and IDI


All at once, in one place: Radical House in Tel Aviv – Short presentations (Hebrew) with many of ALLMEP members


תפילה בין דתית Interfaith Prayer

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Voices of Peace in Times of War

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Managing relationships in diverse teams during a war – invitation to a webinar by AChord (Full – registration over)


Join Standing Together at our online event and check out our updates from the week

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Peace – Complexity of solidarity – a conversation with Ghadir Hani and Avi Dabush (zoom in Hebrew)

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Think tank: Economy and employment in East Jerusalem in light of the emergency and war period (The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Studies in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation) Hebrew


Life and Destiny Partnership: Initiatives to Strengthen the Jewish-Arab Partnership in Israel (Haifa University, Jewish-Arab Center) – Hebrew

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What is needed now: Jewish-Arab solidarity (Standing together event in Tel Aviv)

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Shared Life in the Negev – Solidarity even in dark days (by a coalition of many NGO’s)

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What is needed now: Jewish-Arab solidarity (Standing Together event in Haifa)