Unite the Field – ALLMEP’s Regional Conference 2023
Unite the Field – ALLMEP’s Regional Conference 2023
Save the date June 5, 2023 Jerusalem Area (Register here)
Save the date June 5, 2023 Jerusalem Area (Register here)
We are delighted to invite you to our annual Track II Environmental Forum applied environmental diplomacy event, in memory of our colleague Noam Segal. This year the topic will be Democracy and Sustainability, and will take place at Tel Aviv University’s Porter School of Environmental Studies on the 8th June at 5:45pm. To register please use this […]
Reviewing 5 years of achievements in Tech Bridges with our partner USAID, in the context of Tsofen’s 15 years of creating shared society through hi-tech. Registration
Info and Registration to all the events 13.6.23 - פתרון מדיני 0.2 / דווקא עכשיו: לא זונחים את החזון המדיני- حل سياسيّ 0.2 / الآن بالذات: لا نتخلى عن الرؤية السياسية @ Abraham Tel Aviv - אברהם הוסטל תל -אביב, בשיתוף עם עיתון Haaretz הארץ @ هوستيل أبراهام تل أبيب، بالتعاون مع صحيفة "هأرتس" (19:30-21:00, […]
פסטיבל שפה ותרבות ערבית مهرجان اللغة والثقافة العربية Arabic Language and Culture Festival לזכרו של יוחנן אליחי ◆ لذكرى يوحنان إليحاي ◆ In memory of J. Elihay הכניסה חופשית ◆ الدخول مجاني ◆ Free admission מוסיקה ◆ תיאטרון ◆ קולנוע ◆ ספרות ◆ מחול מתחם התחנה הראשונה, ירושלים محطة القطار الأولى، القدس First Station, Jerusalem […]
Happy Birthday to TalkMatters! In our three year life, we have expanded enormously and now are privileged to be associated with over thirty grassroots co-operative Israeli-Palestinian organisations all promoting a new reality. A better world where there is a bit more love and a bit less hate. After three years of online events we are inviting you to […]
Encounter Hope Reem Hajajara Madheisha, leader of the Palestinian women's movement "Women of the Sun" A sister movement of Women Wages Peace Tuesday, 20.6 at 18:00 Tel Aviv Kibbutzim Seminary, Hall 70 (plenty of parking). Registration
Info and Registration to all the events 20.6.23 - הכל זז. גם הכיבוש? - كل شيء يتحرك. وماذا مع الاحتلال؟ @ זום (19:30-21:00) @ عبر الزوم (19:30-21:00) فتح الاحتجاج أفقًا جديدًا في الخطاب السياسيّ في إسرائيل. وهل فتح أيضًا أفقًا لخطاب جديد حول الاحتلال والعلاقات اليهوديّة الفلسطينيّة ، أم العكس، فهو قد أغلقها بالذات؟ המחאה […]
Info and Registration to all the events 22.6.23 - מהירדן לים, דמוקרטיה לכולם - من النهر إلى البحر، ديمقراطية للجميع @ פאנל זום / ندوة عبر الزوم (19:30-21:00) لا توجد ديمقراطية مع الاحتلال، من النهر إلى البحر ديمقراطية للجميع. أصبحت هذه الهتافات شائعة في الاحتجاجات. هل من المستحيل حقاً أن تكون هناك ديمقراطية مع […]
Save the date 23.6 in Jerusalem - at Idea's office (Balfour 8) Follow here
We invite you to an open tour in the north of the West Bank, which will be guided by the forum's colleague Dr. Eran Zedakihu: see things with your own eyes. This is an opportunity to visit areas where the foot of the general public in Israel, who lives within the Green Line, hardly sets […]
OGS is happy to invite you to see the Fellows pitch their startup ideas on Thursday, July 27 from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The event will be held at the Shapiro Campus Center, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02453. We hope to see you there! Registration
The GREEN in MED project is coming to an end with a climax: the International Pitching and Final Event. With this event, the project creates a unique international networking opportunity between the pitching companies, potential investors, project partners, the winners of the Subgrants, scientists, students, entrepreneurs, project participants and partners. The Israel Hotel Association and […]
The conference will be held at the initiative of Amnesty International Israel, RHI - Kol Rabani for Human Rights and the Association for Civil Rights and Amnesty Israel on Wednesday, June 28, 10:00 and 14:00 in the Tel Aviv area (exact location will be sent later) As part of the meeting, we will analyze the […]