Sign Up is Open! Rabbis for Human Rights West Bank Olive Harvest

Sign UP for the 2022 West Bank Olive Harvest השנה תהיה זו השנה ה- 20 שבה אנו מצטרפים למסיק הזיתים לצד החקלאים הפלסטינים בגדה המערבית, ובכך מסייעים למלאכתם במציאות של כיבוש ופגיעה בגישת החקלאים לאדמותיהם. זאת לצד השמעה של קול רבני ברור נגד אלימות מתנחלים והתנכלות הצבא. This year is our 20th year working with […]

Women Wage Peace & Women of the Sun “Journey to Peace”: Metzer-Meisar

On Tuesday, October 11th, ALLMEP members Women Wage Peace and Women of the Sun will co-host an event, titled "Launching the project Monument for Peace to promote 'good neighbors'" in Metzer- Meisar. The event is part of a series of events in their "Journey to Peace" 2022 campaign taking place over the next month. Register […]

Women Wage Peace & Women of the Sun “Journey to Peace”: Conference in Beit Jalla

On Thursday, October 13th, ALLMEP members Women Wage Peace and Women of the Sun will co-host "Conference: The Mothers' Call" in the Gaza border region. The conference will include Israeli and Palestinian women along with women of the world and engage the voices of women, culture, and religion in solving the conflict. The event is […]

Women Wage Peace & Women of the Sun “Journey to Peace”: Jerusalem & Ramallah

On Friday, October 14th, ALLMEP members Women Wage Peace and Women of the Sun will co-host an event, titled “Bringing the Mothers' Call to the Presidents” in Jerusalem and Ramallah. The event is part of a series of events in their “Journey to Peace” 2022 campaign taking place over the next month. Register here.  

Zoom Call: MEPPA’s First Year

A year after MEPPA’s first Annual Program Statement was published — and following the announcement of over $25m worth of investment in Israeli/Palestinian civil society projects–  we are hosting a Zoom call to discuss this first twelve months, and to look ahead at what’s to come in MEPPA’s second year. Please click here  to register for the […]