Monitoring & Evaluation Seminar – Project Cycle Management: Analysis and Tools – ALLMEP’s training for members

Talita kumi, Beit Jala talita kumi, beit jala

ALLMEP is hosting, free of charge to our members and their staff. This workshop will focus on the different stages of the project cycle management especially the analysis and  tools available. The first section will target the planning phase of the project. In this section we will focus on developing a budget for the project […]

MEET Accelerator Expo, where our students will present their Israeli-Palestinian social impact startups

MEET Accelerator Expo taking place on July 25th, 18:00 at AppsFlyer HQ in Herzliya, where our students will present their Israeli-Palestinian social impact startups that prove that tech-innovation can serve as a shared language for social change. After an extensive three-year journey, throughout which our students studied computer science, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking alongside their MIT instructors, our year […]

Welcome to AF-CFP’s Virtual Summer Series: Collective Liberation – Israeli & Palestinian Solidarity 

Welcome to AFCFP's Virtual Summer Series!  We have evolved our periodic "webinars" to become a new, formal program called "CollectiveED" that focuses on our human right to diverse education. On Tuesday, July 25th, join us for the first talk of our four-part summer series: Collective Liberation: Israeli & Palestinian Solidarity  July 25, 2023  11:00am ET / 7pm Jerusalem […]

NGO’s under attack – A Shatil training for crisis management (Hebrew)

יותר ויותר ארגונים נכנסים בימים אלו למעגל המתקפה והדה-לגיטימציה עליהם. התעצמות האיומים על ארגוני שינוי חברתי מחייבת היערכות מצד הנהלת הארגון, הכוללת התמודדות במספר חזיתות: תקשורת, תורמים, אבטחה, דאגה לצוות, תגובה בונת כוח ועוד. זאת לצד המשך העבודה השוטפת של הארגון והתאמות אסטרטגיות ארגוניות. שתיל בשיתוף מערך ההגנה על המרחב האזרחי, מזמינים מנכ"לים.ות להכשרה שתיתן […]

The Media – the Gatekeeper of Democracy? By Teachers Lounge for 9 in Av

zion sq Jerusalem, Israel

בימים הללו, חוזרת ועולה השאלה על מקומה ותפקידה של התקשורת בישראל. כמה כוח יש לה? האם היא אכן ממלאת את ייעודה כשומרת הסף של הדמוקרטיה הישראלית? ובימים של משבר חברתי עמוק - מה התיקון שבכוחה לעשות? מוזמנות ומוזמנים לקחת חלק במעגל שיעסוק בכל סימני השאלה הללו. בהובלת אנשי התקשורת נוה דרומי (ערוץ 14) ועקיבא נוביק […]

Join a webinar – live from the Parents Circle’s 2023 Youth Peace Camp

Despite serious threats and opposition from Israeli Members of Knesset, Israeli and Palestinian camp counselors and campers have gathered this year to participate in transformative experiences, engage in difficult conversations, and enjoy fun activities. This seven-day camp unites 50 Israeli and Palestinian teens, breaking stereotypes and creating the next generation of peace leaders. Don’t miss […]

Conflict Sensitive Journalism – ALLMEP’s Media Training for members (in partnership with Lightful and Videre) – on Zoom

Are you interested in ALLMEP's upcoming media training? This session will share a basic framework of questions and considerations that will guide you in selecting and vetting media partners, to ensure that your stories are shared with the right audiences in a responsible, safe and effective way. In the hour-long session, you will learn best […]

Solidarity with the the Carmelite Monastery in Haifa that suffers from repeated harassment (Tag Meir and Leo Baeck)

דרך סטלה מאריס 100, חיפה דרך סטלה מאריס 100, חיפה, Israel

The Leo Buck Education Center strengthens the hands of our neighbors and partners from the Carmelite Monastery who suffer from repeated harassment. We will be there on Wednesday together with Tag Meir Forum to strengthen and express identification and solidarity with our Christian brothers.  

A dialogue encounter of the Bereaved Families Forum (in Hebrew) – on Zoom and FB

While the Minister of Education is trying to determine what is allowed and what is not allowed to know - we invite you to listen, talk and form a position. בזמן ששר החינוך מנסה לקבוע מה מותר ומה אסור לדעת – אנחנו מזמינים אתכם להקשיב, לשוחח ולגבש עמדה. מיטל שכלה את אביה, אל"ם במיל', שנרצח […]

The Minister of Education wants to make us disappear from the public sphere – we will not disappear and we will not lose hope – The Bereaved Families Forum Peace Tent

cinemateque תל אביב, Israel

PCFF invites you to stop on the way to Kaplan and fight together with us against the "thought police" of the Minister of Education, and get to know the plan that the Minister of Education is so afraid of, for our children to experiece We will meet On Saturday, at 17:00 at the Cinematheque plaza […]